Well Drilling Rig Wiki Knowledge

How to know how deep the groundwater is

How to know how deep underground there is a water source

There are mainly the following ways to investigate the underground water source:

Stratigraphic analysis:

By analyzing the rock cores taken out from the boreholes, we can understand the lithology, thickness and porosity of the strata, and deduce the conditions for the existence of groundwater.

Hydrogeological map:

Refer to the hydrogeological map of the area to understand the distribution pattern of groundwater and make preliminary judgment on the depth of groundwater level.

Resistivity method:

Infer the existence and distribution of groundwater by measuring the change of resistivity of the ground. 

Seismic exploration method:

through the propagation characteristics of artificial seismic waves, to understand the underground stratigraphic structure, to determine the depth of aquifers.

Magnetic exploration:

To search for magnetic anomalies related to groundwater by measuring changes in the geomagnetic field.

Test drilling:

The most accurate method is to take samples from boreholes and observe the groundwater level directly.

Water level observation:

Installation of water level meters in boreholes for long-term observation of changes in groundwater level.

Electrical logging:

Measurement of resistivity, spontaneous potential and other parameters in the borehole to understand the water content of the stratum.

Radioactive logging:

Measurement of radioactive material content in the borehole to understand the lithology and porosity of the formation.

Numerical modeling:

Based on geological data and hydrogeological parameters, establish a numerical model of groundwater to simulate the flow pattern of groundwater and predict the groundwater level.

In most cases, the groundwater source is not surveyed in a single way, and the use of a variety of measurement methods will make the data more adequate and accurate.

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