Well Drilling Rig Wiki Knowledge

How to Determine Depreciation for Water Well Drilling Rigs

Depreciation of a water well Drilling Rig can confirm the value of a used transaction, and the following are converted into factors affecting the depreciation of a water well drilling rig

Original cost of the rig:

Includes acquisition cost, transportation costs, installation costs, etc.
Estimated useful life:

Estimate the number of years the rig will be able to provide service based on its type, quality, frequency of use, etc.
Estimated residual value:

Estimated residual value of the rig at the end of its useful life, i.e. the value that can be recovered when it is sold or scrapped.
Depreciation Methods:

Companies can use different depreciation methods such as straight-line method and accelerated depreciation method.

Commonly used depreciation methods

Straight-line method:
The cost of the asset is subtracted from the estimated salvage value and divided by the estimated useful life to obtain the depreciation amount to be charged each year.

depreciation amount is the same every year, simple calculation.

Accelerated depreciation method:
More depreciation at the beginning of the asset's useful life and less depreciation at the end.
Commonly used accelerated depreciation method:
Double Declining Balance Method: The annual depreciation amount is 2 times the net value at the end of the previous year multiplied by the depreciation rate.
Sum-of-the-years method: annual depreciation is (estimated useful life - number of years used + 1) / (estimated useful life × (estimated useful life + 1)) × (cost - salvage value).

More in line with the law of diminishing asset value over time.


Stability of depreciation policy:
Enterprises should develop a uniform depreciation policy and keep it relatively stable to avoid frequent adjustments.
Selection of depreciation methods:
The selection of depreciation methods should be in line with accounting standards and truly reflect the changes in the value of assets.
Periodic review:
Enterprises should regularly review fixed assets and adjust depreciation methods or depreciation lives according to the actual situation.
Tax impact:
The choice of depreciation method will affect the enterprise's income tax, and the enterprise should consider both financial and tax factors.

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