How to maintain and care for the drill bit?
Here are some ways to care for and maintain your drill:
1. Regular cleaning:
Remove dirt and impurities to avoid clogging.
2. Check wear:
Replace the parts with serious wear in time.
3. Reasonable storage:
Avoid moisture, collision and corrosion.
4. Lubricate and maintain:
Lubricate as needed to minimize wear.
5. Follow the instruction manual:
Understand proper operation and maintenance methods.
6. control drilling speed and pressure:
Avoid overuse.
7. Check the drill's fastening bolts regularly:
Ensure that they are securely attached.
8. Pay attention to the cooling of the drill bit:
Prevent overheating.
9. Use suitable drilling material:
Avoid unnecessary damage to the drill bit.
10. Keep regular maintenance and service records:
Keep track of the status of the drill bit.
High Quality Drill Bit for Low Pressure