
What to do if the water well drilling rig bends

Drilling Rigs hitting crooked is a common drilling problem that affects the quality of the drilled hole and the progress of the project. Once the drilling hole is found to have deviated from the design trajectory, timely measures need to be taken to correct it.

There are several main reasons why drilling rigs are skewed:

Uneven strata: 

geological factors such as uneven hardness and softness of the strata and tilting of the rock layers can lead to skewed drilling.

Wear and tear of drilling tools: 

Wear and tear of drilling tools, such as drill bits and drill pipes, can lead to drilling skew.

Poor performance of drilling fluid: 

Inappropriate density, viscosity and other parameters of the drilling fluid will affect the stability of the drilling hole.

Operator error: 

Improper operation by the operator, such as drilling too fast, inaccurate directional control, etc., can also lead to drilling deflection.

Once the drilling hole is found to be skewed, the following measures can be taken to correct it:

Adjustment of drilling parameters: 

Adjust the drilling speed, rotational speed, drilling pressure and other parameters to reduce the deflection.

Replace the drill bit: 

If the drill bit is seriously worn, replace it with a new one in time.

Adjust the drilling fluid: 

Adjust the density, viscosity and other parameters of the drilling fluid according to the formation conditions to improve the stability of the drilling hole.

Adopt deviation correction tools: 

Measure the deviation angle of the drilling hole with tools such as deflectometer, and correct it with corresponding deviation correction tools.

Adopting directional drilling technology: 

For drilling holes with a large angle of deflection, directional drilling technology can be used to correct it.

Measures to prevent drilling deflection:

Detailed geological exploration: 

carry out detailed geological exploration before drilling to understand the stratigraphic conditions and provide basis for drilling design.

Selection of suitable drilling tools: 

Select suitable drilling tools such as drill bits and rods according to the stratigraphic conditions.

Strictly control the drilling parameters: 

Strictly control the drilling speed, rotational speed, drilling pressure and other parameters.

Regular inspection of drilling tools and equipment: 

Regular inspection of drilling tools and equipment, and timely replacement of worn parts.

Strengthen the training of operators: 

Provide systematic training to operators to improve their operating skills.

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Contact: Mr Chen

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