Well Drilling Rig Wiki Knowledge

What to do if you find the well has narrowed

There are a number of common causes of water well narrowing:

-Collapse: A drop in the water table or an unstable geological structure causes the wall of the well to collapse.
-Sediment buildup: With long-term use, sediments such as mud and sand can accumulate at the bottom and walls of the well, causing the diameter of the well to become smaller.
-Clogged Pipes: Pipes or screens in the well are clogged, affecting the flow of water and reducing the amount of water coming out of the well.

Why is it more difficult to widen a well directly?

-Well Wall Material: If the wall is made of concrete or brick, it is more difficult to widen the well and is prone to secondary collapse.
-Geological conditions: The geological conditions are complex and the widening process may encounter unstable strata, increasing the construction risk.
-Water source protection: blind widening may damage the water source and affect the water quality.

Alternatives to widening the well

Cleaning and dredging:
Purpose: Remove sediments from the bottom and walls of the well and restore the original diameter of the well.
Methods: Cleaning using high pressure water jetting, mechanical desilting, etc.
Results: More difficult, less expensive, less effective, short duration of widening, multiple dredging required

Replace or repair the pipeline:
Purpose: Unclogging or replacing clogged pipes and screens to restore normal water supply.
Results: Less difficult, less expensive, less effective, requires uninterrupted replacement.

Drill a new well:
Purpose: Consider drilling a new well if the old one cannot be repaired or if there is a severe shortage of water.
Results: Higher cost, but better results, better water quality, more water output, no need for regular maintenance, better results.

If you would like to know more methods about drilling a well, click the link below to contact our team of professionals.



Contact: Mr Chen

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Email: pearldrill02@guangzhouintl.com

Add: Shanhuxi Road, Chuangfacheng Plaza, Yongzhou City ,Hunan Province China