Well Drilling Rig Wiki Knowledge

How to determine the depth of a well

Confirmation of drilling depth requires consideration of geological, engineering and economic factors, which are described below:
1. Geological factors
Depth of target stratum: Determine the depth of the stratum to be penetrated according to the geological exploration data.
Hydrogeological conditions: including thickness, depth and water quality of aquifer.
Formation lithology: the difficulty of drilling is different for different lithologies, and appropriate drilling tools and drilling parameters should be selected according to the lithology.
Groundwater level: The level of groundwater level will affect the difficulty and cost of drilling.
2. Engineering factors
Equipment performance: The drilling depth of the Drilling Rig and the length of the drilling tools limit the drilling depth.
Construction process: Different drilling processes have different effects on the drilling depth.

Common methods for determining drilling depth
Geological exploration: Through geological drilling, seismic exploration, physical exploration and other methods, obtain the underground geological information to provide the basis for determining the drilling depth.
Hydrogeological exploration: Through hydrogeological drilling, pumping test and other methods, to understand the hydrogeological conditions of groundwater and determine the depth and thickness of aquifer.
Engineering experience: Drawing on the experience of previous drilling projects and combining with the geological conditions of this project, determine the drilling depth.
Numerical simulation: Use computer software to simulate the groundwater flow field and predict the impact of drilling depth on groundwater extraction.
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Determining the drilling depth is a systematic project, which requires comprehensive consideration of geological, engineering, economic and other factors. Only through scientific exploration, reasonable planning and careful construction can we ensure the smooth progress of the drilling project. If you don't know how to pick the right water well drilling rig, click the link below to contact our professional team.

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