Well Drilling Rig Wiki Knowledge

How to determine whether the geology is suitable for the operation of water well drilling rig

There are some factors about the geology of water well Drilling Rig:

1. Geological survey

Drilling for sampling: Through drilling and sampling, we can directly observe the lithology, structure, color and other characteristics of the core and judge the hardness and permeability of the stratum.

Exploration: To understand the distribution and structural characteristics of underground strata by using physical exploration methods, for example, the resistivity method and seismic surveys.

Hydrogeological investigation: we can through water level observation of wells, pumping tests and other methods to understand the water level, water quantity, water quality.

2. Analysis of geological data

Regional Geologic Maps: Analyze regional geologic maps to understand the lithology, tectonics, and other geologic background of the area.

Borehole data: By analyzing historical borehole core data and logging information, we can determine the variation patterns of the geological formations

3. Factors affecting the operation of drilling rigs

Rock properties: Rock hardness, degree of fragmentation, degree of joint and fissure development, etc. will affect the drilling speed and wear of drilling tools.

Stratigraphy: Structural features such as stratigraphy, interbedding, faults, etc. can affect drilling stability.

Groundwater: High groundwater levels and volumes can affect the stability of boreholes and increase the risk of collapse.

4. Suitable lithology for water well drilling rigs

Gravel layer: good water permeability, easy to produce water, is a good aquifer.

Fissured rocks: Rocks with developed fissures, such as granite, metamorphic rocks, etc., can also form good aquifers if the fissures are well developed.

5. Suitable lithology for water well drilling rigs

Clay layer: Poor water permeability of clay layer makes drilling difficult and prone to jamming.

Hard rock: Granite, basalt and other hard rock,

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