Pumps Wiki Knowledge

How to adjust the pressure of the pump

The water pump is the power equipment of the fluid transportation and distribution system. The adjustment of the water pump pressure is very important for the operation. There is a few adaptation of the fluid transportation and distribution system:

1. Add a frequency converter to adjust pump pressure:

After the frequency converter is installed, the pressure is fed back to the frequency converter in real time by using the pressure sensor installed in the water pump pipeline. After the frequency converter is reset to the required parameters, the electronic speed regulation function of the frequency converter is utilized, by changing the frequency of the motor to control the pump speed (pump water pressure and its speed is proportional) , and then to achieve the regulation of pump pressure.

2. Set Pump Inlet and outlet control valves to adjust pump pressure:

Increase Pump Inlet valve opening, system resistance increase, increase pressure, reduce pump inlet valve opening, system resistance to reduce pressure;Or from the outlet of the pump to add balance pipe regulating valve to the entrance of the pump, by adjusting the opening of the valve can be adjusted pump pressure

3.Change pump impeller diameter to achieve pump pressure regulation:

Usually the impeller diameter of the pump, the pump will directly affect the flow and outlet pressure. In the project, some projects through the replacement of different impeller diameter pump, change the pump performance parameters, and then achieve the goal of regulating pump pressure.

In addition to changing the diameter of the pump it is also possible to adjust the speed of the pump.

If the pump is driven by motor, it can be equipped with variable-frequency motor to adjust the speed of the motor to adjust the flow and pressure parameters of the pump in operation to meet the requirements of different parameters. This method of regulating speed has the advantage that the motor will not overheat in the process of regulation, but the disadvantage is that the range of regulation is limited.

4.throttling adjustment:

In order to adjust the flow and pressure of the pump, the regulating valve with different flow characteristics is installed in the outlet pipe of the pump. This method is widely used, the electric control valve and pneumatic control valve can also be selected by the control system according to the working conditions of the requirements of automatic control. However, it should be noted that if the parameters to be adjusted is too small, that is, the regulator valve needs to be closed to a very small position, may cause the pump motor overcurrent, in this case, bypass should be set to shunt, ensure the normal operation of working conditions.


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